Our Mission 使命

  1. Preach Gospel to all nations
  2. 傳揚福音至萬族

  3. Baptizing believers in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
  4. 奉聖父、聖子、聖靈的名為信徒施洗

  5. Educate Christian to obey word of God through bible study, fellowship, seminars
  6. 透過聖經研讀、團契、研討聚會,教導基督信徒順從神的真理

  7. Gather Christian to Worship and Praise God
  8. 招聚基督信徒同心敬拜與讚頌神

  9. Provide counselling, assistance and encourage those that in need
  10. 對有需要者提供生活上的諮詢、援助及鼓勵